Do what makes you happy

I hope this is true for you. It is certainly not self-evident. How many people are not in a place where they never really think about it. But if you ask the question: Are you doing what makes you happy? Then the answer is quite often: No, but I do earn my money with it.

Isn't that crazy? I've had lawyers, nurses, diet coaches, teachers, cashiers, attorneys, administrative assistants, and business owners in the studio who were thrilled with their work. But just as many people with similar jobs who would rather be doing something else TODAY.

It's also quite a quest: life... Because a lot happens that you might not be looking forward to at all, but you still have to deal with it. I thought the period when my children were in primary school was such a period. If I didn't think about the fact that the gym bag had to come along, that that friend would come with us on Friday, the teachers' birthdays on Tuesday, hockey training started on Wednesday, the girlfriend's birthday on Saturday, and that there was no bread left in the house: then everything would go to hell. Gosh, you have to remember so much in that time and what a huge attack is made on your freedom. I wasn't 'in control' and looked at other parents with admiration. Everyone else's grass seemed greener than mine.

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What did my feeling actually say?

Maybe I should have been more honest at the time, but I was afraid that the house of cards would collapse. I kept going and persevered, with the result that by the age of 38 I had no idea what I actually wanted. If you are ready to arrange everything for everyone for years, except yourself, you will lose yourself. As my children grew older, more space automatically opened up. They could find their own way to school, they knew when they had gym and decided for themselves when they were going to play with whom.

Haptonomy brought me back in touch with my feelings. I did everything rationally and had no time to listen to my feelings. What did my feelings actually say? Was I cold, hot, tired, hungry, or did I want to be alone for a while? I really had to learn to FEEL it again. And that brought me a lot of peace. I suddenly felt that gut feeling again. That little voice that sometimes says: just do it, or don't do that. My intuition turned ON. And my self-confidence grew with it. I felt that I was on the right track again. I started spending more time on my work. Photography was and remained my love. I not only knew that: I felt it too!

My question to you: are you on the right course? And who is at the helm?


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